

Welcome to Dirigo Sober Living, a recovery residence in which chemically dependent men can start to rebuild their lives while living in a safe, secure, alcohol/drug free and supportive environment. Our purpose is to help residents bridge the gap between intensive treatment and lasting independent sober living.  Our goal is to create an other-centered environment to help residents gain more self-worth, responsibility and put meaning and purpose into their lives.  We want to help residents build a strong foundation for continued sobriety and a healthier lifestyle.     

We are a firm believer in 12 Step recovery. Every resident must be actively working the 12 Steps with a sponsor and be making measurable progress in their step program. We offer structure and accountability to motivate our residents towards their recovery goals.

Dirigo Sober Living was founded in 2021 by Chris Grant, a Portland, Maine native with many years in recovery and strong ties to the recovery community. 

“I am driven to help men who share the same struggles I’ve experienced with alcoholism and addiction by giving them the support, structure, and tools necessary to become healthy members of the community.”